British Antarctic Territory (UK Overseas Territory)
21 April 2016 - 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, "90 Years of Style" - 4 stamps and 1 single stamp miniature sheet. Designed by Bee Design. Lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perforated 14.
BAT1601 66p
BAT1602 76p
BAT1603 £1.01
BAT1604 £1.22
BAT1605 £3 miniature sheet
Falklands Post Service Ltd. (Falkland Islands) (UK Overseas Territory)
13 January 2016 - Birds of prey - 6 stamps. Designed by Georgina Strange. Lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perf.14.
FI1601 - 31p Barn owl
FI1602 - 31p Short-eared owl
FI1603 - 76p Red-backed buzzard
FI1604 - 76p Crested caracara
FI1605 - £1.01 Peregrine falcon
FI1606 - £1.22 Striated caracara
FI1607 - 31p, Traditional horse gear
FI1608 - 76p, Peat burning stove
FI1609 - £1.01p - Warrah skull (extinct canid)
FI1610 - £1.22p - "Antarctic Exploration", explorer and Reclus hut
21 April 2016 - 90th Birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, "90 Years of Style" - 4 stamps and 1 single-stamped miniature sheet. Designed by Bee Design. Lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perf. 14.
FI1611 - 31p
FI1612 - 76p
FI1613 - £1.01
FI1614 - £1.22
FI1615 - £3 miniature sheet
1 August 2016 - Definitive, additional value - 1 stamp. Designed by Tony Chater. Lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perforated 14.
FI1616 - 31p Southern right whale
21 November 2016 - Endemic plants of Falkland Islands - 6 stamps and 1 miniature sheet containing the 6 stamps. Designed by Leigh-Anne Woulfhardt. Lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perforated 14.
FI1617 - 31p Falkland rock cress
FI1618 - 31p Lady's slipper
FI1619 - 76p Silvery buttercup
FI1620 - 76p False plantain
FI1621 - £1.01p Snakepant
FI1622 - £1.01p Falkland Nassauvia
FI1623 - £4.16p miniature sheet containing 2 x 31p, 2 x 76p and 2 x £1.01p
South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands (UK Overseas Territory)
21 April 2016 - 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II, "90 Years of Style" - 4 stamps and 1 miniature sheet. Deigned by Bee Design and lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perforated 14.
SGSS1601 70p
SGSS1602 80p
SGSS1603 90p
SGSS1604 £1.35
SGSS1605 £3 miniature sheet
4 May 2016 - 25th anniversary of IAATO (International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators) - 4 stamps. Designed by Bee Design from photographs by Kim Crosbie (55p and 77p) and Skip Novac. Lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perforated 14.
SGSS1606 55p
SGSS1607 70p
SGSS1608 80p
SGSS1609 £1
20 May 2016 - Centenary of the Imperial Transantarctic Expedition, Sir Ernest Shackleton - 4 stamps. Designed by Bee Design. Lithographed by BDT International Security Printers. Perforated 14.
SGSS1610 70p
SGSS1611 80p
SGSS1612 £1
SGSS1613 £1.25
1 August 2016 - Sports in South Georgia - 4 stamps. Designed by Robert Burton from photographed by John Alexander. Lithographed by Cartor. Perforated 13.5.
SGSS1614 - 55p - Long jump
sGSS1615 - 70p - High jump
SGSS1617 - 80p - Shot put
SGSS1618 - £1 - Ski jumping.
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